Independent freight forwarders looking to augment their sales and hit the global market can benefit substantially by becoming a part of one of the best freight forwarders networks. The best logistics networks which act as an international umbrella network of vetted freight forwarders can help small and mid-sized companies to better compete with the multinationals by branching out, finding new partners and expanding their service areas. Additionally, the top freight forwarding networks give you an international brand name that adds to the credibility of the small logistics companies. However, choosing the best logistics network can indeed be a difficult task since your options are plenty. Moreover, lots of new networks are coming up and not all of them are conducive to your business interests. In today’s post, we are going to discuss a few tips that independent freight forwarders like you should consider before joining a freight forwarders network.
Things to consider before choosing the best logistics network
Consider the reliability of the network
Before anything else, you as an independent freight forwarder should try to find a trustworthy network and that enhances your brand image. There are just a few globally recognized logistics networks that are brand names in this sector and The Cooperative Logistics Network is one of them. Becoming a member of one such network will give a boost to your brand image and augment the scope of your business. Independent freight forwarders who don’t have an international brand and a network of reliable partners are naturally not able to bid for the largest contracts and receive better rates from carriers. Therefore, they are faced with the prospect of working with unknown agents who rarely send business their way and occasionally break promises. The result of this is dissatisfied customers and unpaid invoices.
This is precisely why you need to become a part of a trustworthy and well-recognized network like the Cooperative. The Cooperative Logistics Network is a capped, non-exclusive alliance of hand-picked freight forwarders in each major air/seaport. As a Coop member, you will get to collaborate with other agents in a financially secure environment that will help you reduce costs and risks while expanding your business and competing against the largest multinationals.
Do not base your decision on the membership fee
It needs to be told in this context that not all find forwarding networks you will find in the market can be relied upon. In fact, there are several logistics networks in today’s market that try to lure in new members by offering an incredibly low membership fee. However, they do not serve the interests of the agents in any way. All they do is collect a membership fee in return for almost nothing. Moreover, the partners you will find as a member of one of these networks are unreliable since these networks are ready to accept any forwarder without a background check as long as they receive a yearly fee.
For this reason, even if you have to shell out a few more bucks, it is still advisable that you become a member of a well-reputed and globally acknowledged network. The best freight forwarding networks have an impact on your sales and even provide added support and assistance.
With over 336 reliable agents across 134 cities, The Cooperative Logistics Network is one of the leading freight forwarding networks of our time. As one of the best logistics networks, it has better resources in terms of size and greater outreach than some of the largest multinationals. Moreover, The Cooperative Logistics Network is the first freight forwarding network with global coverage to launch an instant quotation ability for its members through its exclusive TMS: FreightViewer, which allows members to quote 24/7 in seconds. In other words, in exchange for a yearly fee, The Cooperative Logistics Network will provide you with an ideal platform for networking, collaboration, and digitization.
Check the prospects of obtaining new business
Perhaps the foremost reason for logistics companies to join a network is to boost their sales. Therefore, your prime concern should be whether you will be able to use your network as a sales tool. As a member of The Cooperative, you are in a powerful position to receive inward free-hands, routings, sales leads, quotations, etc. from over 336 agents. The obvious impact will be an increase in your business volume.
However, remember that your active participation is important for obtaining a steady flow of shipments from your network partners. You need to reciprocate and send out more projects for your partners within the network. This is the golden rule for the creation of a productive relationship which is advantageous for both parties. What you need to do is check out the Network Directory on our website and get in touch with those agents who are working in the territories where you can offer businesses. Additionally, every year, The Coop organizes an Annual Meeting for its members to come together in one place at one time, reducing expense and time spent away from the office.
Check the trustworthiness of your fellow agents
This is a crucial factor you need to consider before joining a logistics network. Working with unprofessional or unreliable partners can cost you immensely and even ruin the reputation of your company. The Cooperative Logistics Network only accepts the most solvent, reputable, and creditworthy agents. Furthermore, we continue to monitor their performance, and promptly detect any signs of trouble, such as the late payment of an invoice issued by another member. As a member of The Coop you can expect to work with only the most reliable partners who are chosen after a careful selection process.
Financial protection
A low-end freight forwarders network will naturally have dubious members whom you cannot rely on when it comes to getting your payment. Keep in mind that one of the worst downsides of an undependable partner is that their unprofessional attitude could even result in the loss of clients and a bad reputation for your company. The logistics network that you are a part of should ideally offer some kind of protection against bad payers. The Cooperative Logistics Network directs its members to immediately notify the organization whenever a member is late with a payment. Failure to pay on time and recurrent late payments result in the expulsion of the members.
Additionally, The Coop has a Payment Protection Plan (PPP) that protects members against losses due to uncollected debts from other members in the event of bankruptcy or insolvency.
Choosing a reliable logistics network like The Cooperative will give you the ideal platform to expand your operations. By paying a yearly fee, you will be able to greatly boost the number of your incoming projects. Additionally, you will also get to enjoy a host of other advantages like digitization opportunities that will keep you ahead of the competition