The latest agreement signed with Shipco Consolidator gives direct access to world-wide LCL rates to all FreightViewer users, this project is in the line of the digital strategy designed by The COOP whith the aim of providing its agents the sources to cope with the digital transformation the sector is experimenting. The event has been covered by Post & Parcel, Hellenic Shipping news, Air Freight News and American Journal of Transportation.

American Journal of Transportation ( AJOT): is dedicated to providing shippers, carriers, transportation intermediaries, and logistics professionals with coverage of news and events that shape the world of international trade and transportation.
Hellenic Shipping news Worldwide is an Online Daily Newspaper on Hellenic and International Shipping Leaders in global shipping news for over 10 years Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide.
Air Freight News is a divission of AJOT which publish the latest updtaes of the sector.
Post & Parcel: was launched in September 2009 by Triangle Management Services, the global mail and express research and consulting agency and publisher of the respected Mail & Express Review magazine.