New logistics network reports applicants abound: Maritime Global News

The Cooperative Logistics Network launched with the promise to applicants of a six-month free trial in exchange for registering attendance at its first annual meeting next May. According to the network, hundreds of applications are being received weekly

Founder, Antonio Torres, explained, “Attendance at the first annual meeting is the best way for agents to kick-start their membership. From our experience in the networking industry, we have found that attendance at annual meetings is crucial to ensuring any members’ success; it’s a proven fact that members who attend increase their business.”Torres continued, “Agents work with people they have formed relationships with – this is true of any industry. I believe that the best freight forwarders understand the importance of meeting in person and so those applicants who say no to attending do not have a genuine interest in developing a worldwide network of agents and, therefore, are not for us.”

The Coop team has been studying and whittling down the number of applicants to a block of 100 founding members which will be unveiled when the network has its operational launch on December 1, 2014.

“The standard of applications has been extremely high. To date we have accepted enough companies to fill over 50% of our original target of 100 founding members. We firmly believe we will meet and increase this target well in advance of December 1st,” Torres said.
To see the full article, click here.

Cooperative Network proves attractive to freight forwarders: Maritime Professional

Just one week on from its launch, the team have already processed hundreds of applications and started building its block of founding members, as well as receiving hundreds of website hits and requests for information


“This is as good a start as any network founder could hope for,” said Managing Director Antonio Torres, himself a veteran network owner (CONQUEROR Freight Network), who exactly four years on has launched The Cooperative Logistics Network, a capped nonexclusive network with freight forwarders in each major air/seaport who cooperate in a financially secure environment to reduce costs and risks and grow their businesses together to compete against the multinationals.

“The popularity of the network is reassuring us that our first goal of recruiting 100 agents for our December operational launch is achievable as well as our target of 75 main cities covered by our first annual meeting in May 2015,” Torres said.

A six-month trial is being given to those agents who, once accepted into the network, commit to attending the networks’ first annual meeting. “You could say this is a bit of a risk but I firmly believe that those applicants who say no to attending do not have a genuine interest in developing a worldwide network of agents,” Torres explained. “These are not the kind of members we want.”

The Cooperative Logistics Network will allow a maximum of three agents per city with the exception of the largest cities allowing 5. “The network will provide the intimacy needed for business relationships to grow whilst maintaining the autonomy many forwarders want when choosing business partners,” said Membership Development Coordinator, Eduardo Paternina.

To see the full press release, click here. 

Cooperative Network proves attractive to freight forwarders:

Just one week on from its launch, the team have already processed hundreds of applications and started building its block of founding members, as well as receiving hundreds of website hits and requests for information
“This is as good a start as any network founder could hope for,” said Managing Director Antonio Torres, himself a veteran network owner (CONQUEROR Freight Network), who exactly four years on has launched The Cooperative Logistics Network, a capped nonexclusive network with freight forwarders in each major air/seaport who cooperate in a financially secure environment to reduce costs and risks and grow their businesses together to compete against the multinationals.“The popularity of the network is reassuring us that our first goal of recruiting 100 agents for our December operational launch is achievable as well as our target of 75 main cities covered by our first annual meeting in May 2015,” Torres said.

A six-month trial is being given to those agents who, once accepted into the network, commit to attending the networks’ first annual meeting. “You could say this is a bit of a risk but I firmly believe that those applicants who say no to attending do not have a genuine interest in developing a worldwide network of agents,” Torres explained. “These are not the kind of members we want.”

The Cooperative Logistics Network will allow a maximum of three agents per city with the exception of the largest cities allowing 5. “The network will provide the intimacy needed for business relationships to grow whilst maintaining the autonomy many forwarders want when choosing business partners,” said Membership Development Coordinator, Eduardo Paternina.

Cooperative Logistics Network proves attractive to freight forwarders: Hellenic Shipping

Just one week on from its launch, the team have already processed hundreds of applications and started building its block of founding members, as well as receiving hundreds of website hits ( and requests for information.


“This is as good a start as any network founder could hope for,” said Managing Director Antonio Torres, himself a veteran network owner, who exactly 4 years on has launched The Cooperative Logistics Network, a capped non-exclusive network with freight forwarders in each major air/seaport who co-operate in a financially secure environment to reduce costs and risks and grow their businesses together to compete against the multinationals.

“The popularity of the network is reassuring us that our first goal of recruiting 100 agents for our December operational launch is achievable as well as our target of 75 main cities covered by our first annual meeting in May 2015,” said Mr Torres.

A six-month trial is being given to those agents who, once accepted into the network, commit to attending the networks’ first annual meeting. “You could say this is a bit of a risk but I firmly believe that those applicants who say no to attending do not have a genuine interest in developing a worldwide network of agents,” explained Mr Torres, “These are not the kind of members we want.”

To see the full press release, click here.  

Antonio Torres initiiert The Cooperative Logistics Network: DVZ

Im spanischen Madrid geht nächste Woche The Cooperative Logistics Network an den Start. Ziel von Managing Director Antonio Torres ist, dass Speditionsunternehmen in jedem wichtigen Flughafen und Hafen in einer finanziell sicheren Umgebung kooperieren. Das soll Kosten und Risiken verringern und ein gegenüber multinationalen Konzernen wettbewerbsfähiges Geschäftsmodell ermöglichen. Das Netzwerk sieht maximal drei Agenten pro Stadt vor, nur in den größten Städten sind fünf zulässig.

Cooperative Logistics Network launched as an alternative to multinationals: Analytiqa

Promoted worldwide as an attractive new alternative for shippersApplications are being accepted to join The Cooperative Logistics Network, a capped non-exclusive network in which hand-picked freight forwarders in each major air/seaport co-operate in a financially secure environment to reduce costs and risks and grow their businesses together to compete against the largest multinationals.

As the multinationals gain market share annually, independent forwarders lacking a global brand have been helpless to fight back.
The Cooperative Logistics Network will immediately give members a global brand, allowing them to bid for the largest contracts and receive better rates from carriers.

The Cooperative Logistics Network will allow a maximum of three agents per city with the exception of the largest cities allowing five. The network will provide the intimacy needed for business relationships to grow whilst maintaining the autonomy many forwarders want when choosing business partners.

Launch of new freight forwarders network: ITJ

From yesterday (15 September 2014), applications are being accepted to join “the Cooperative Logistics Network”, a capped non-exclusive network in which hand-picked freight forwarders in each major air/seaport cooperate in a financially secure environment to reduce costs and risks and grow their businesses together to compete against the largest multinationals.
“As the multinationals gain 1% of the market annually, those independent forwarders lacking a global brand are helpless to fight back. The Cooperative Logistics Network will immediately give members a global brand, allowing them to bid for the largest contracts and receive better rates from carriers,” explained Antonio Torres, the brainchild of the new alliance based in Valladolid (Spain). The new network will allow a maximum of three agents per city, and five for the largest cities.
To see the press release, please click here. 

Independent freight forwarder network to take on the majors: Transport & Logistics News

Applications are now being accepted to join The Cooperative Logistics Network, a capped non-exclusive network in which hand-picked freight forwarders in each major air/seaport will co-operate in a financially secure environment to reduce costs and risks and grow their businesses together to compete against the largest multinationals, according to the Cooperative Logistics Network press release.

“As the multinationals gain 1% of the market annually, those independent forwarders lacking a global brand are helpless to fight back. The Cooperative Logistics Network will immediately give members a global brand, allowing them to bid for the largest contracts and receive better rates from carriers,” explains Antonio Torres, the brain-father of The Cooperative Logistics Network

Cooperative Logistics Network forms with an aim to compete against the multinationals:

MADRID, Spain–The Cooperative Logistics Network is now accepting applications to join the capped, non-exclusive network in which hand-picked freight forwarders in each major air/seaport co-operate “in a financially secure environment to reduce costs and risks and grow their businesses together to compete against the largest multinationals,” said a release from the organization.

The Cooperative brand is to be promoted worldwide as an attractive new alternative for shippers, who will no longer have to choose between the personalized service of the strongest local independent agents and the global reach and lower prices of a multinational forwarding group.

Coming soon!

The Cooperative Logistics Network (The Coop) is getting ready.
The Coop is a capped non-exclusive alliance of hand-picked freight forwarders in each major air/seaport who co-operate in a financially secure environment to reduce costs and risks and grow their businesses by actively working together to compete against the largest multinationals.
Members of The Coop will immediately gain a global brand, a directory of reliable, financially secure agents who actively work together bid for the biggest contracts and negotiate lower rates from carriers and insurers.

Come back soon!