New network now up and running: ITJ

After an around ten week recruitment campaign, The Cooperative Logistics Network’s founding members began operations this week

The new network’s managing director Antonio Torres said, “1 December 2014 marks the beginning of The Cooperative. It was the day when all our members started contacting each other and began building the foundations of those important business relationships, which will be cemented when agents meet at our annual meeting in May next year.”

The founding members, located in more than 60 cities across more than 50 countries, together boast a total of over 5,000 employees and a sales turnover for 2013 in excess of EUR 550 million. Torres added, “cooperation simply won’t work if a network is overcrowded. This is why we will only allow a maximum of three agents per city, and five in the largest metropolises.”

To view the original article, click here. 

Successful start of new freight forwarder network: ITJ

The Cooperative Logistics Network launched one month ago (see ITJ Daily of 16 September), promising applicants a 6-month, free trial in exchange for registering attendance at its 1st annual meeting next May. This promise has proved extremely popular, with hundreds of applications being received weekly.

The Coop team has been studying and whittling down the number of applicants to a block of 100 founding members which will be unveiled when the network has its operational launch on 1 December 2014.

Launch of new freight forwarders network: ITJ

From yesterday (15 September 2014), applications are being accepted to join “the Cooperative Logistics Network”, a capped non-exclusive network in which hand-picked freight forwarders in each major air/seaport cooperate in a financially secure environment to reduce costs and risks and grow their businesses together to compete against the largest multinationals.
“As the multinationals gain 1% of the market annually, those independent forwarders lacking a global brand are helpless to fight back. The Cooperative Logistics Network will immediately give members a global brand, allowing them to bid for the largest contracts and receive better rates from carriers,” explained Antonio Torres, the brainchild of the new alliance based in Valladolid (Spain). The new network will allow a maximum of three agents per city, and five for the largest cities.
To see the press release, please click here.