369 Cities · 139 Countries · 28428 Employees

Our software gives each agent a defined territory with no overlapping


No overlapping for fair distribution

The agent finder tool creates a fair distribution of shipments within the network. Our software gives each agent a defined territory with no overlapping, meaning no competition between members and more shipments for everyone. We may not know the exact location of every town or city in the world, but our agent finder does!

Enter city and country location
Agent finder: Defined territories with no overlapping
The The Coop Agent closest to Dallas, TX, USA in this country is xxxxxxxxxxxxx in Dallas, TX and is located 0 km from the location.

CityCompanyDistance in Km
1Dallas, TXxxxxxxxxxxxx0 km
2Dallas, TXxxxxxxxxxxxx0 km
3Atlanta, GA xxxxxxxxxxxx1244 km
4Atlanta, GA xxxxxxxxxxxx1244 km
5Minneapolis, MNxxxxxxxxxxxx1270 km
6Chicago, IL xxxxxxxxxxxx1291 km
7Chicago, IL xxxxxxxxxxxx1291 km
8Chicago, IL xxxxxxxxxxxx1291 km
9Cincinnati / Dayton, OHxxxxxxxxxxxx1381 km
10Miami, FLxxxxxxxxxxxx1802 km
11Miami, FLxxxxxxxxxxxx1802 km
12Miami, FLxxxxxxxxxxxx1802 km
13Miami, FLxxxxxxxxxxxx1802 km
14Pittsburgh, PAxxxxxxxxxxxx1846 km
15Buffalo, NY xxxxxxxxxxxx2057 km
16Washington, DCxxxxxxxxxxxx2068 km
17Los Angeles, CAxxxxxxxxxxxx2148 km
18Los Angeles, CAxxxxxxxxxxxx2148 km
19Los Angeles, CAxxxxxxxxxxxx2148 km
20New York, NYxxxxxxxxxxxx2413 km
21New York, NYxxxxxxxxxxxx2413 km
22New York, NYxxxxxxxxxxxx2413 km

Cooperating to succeed

Expand your businesses, reduce costs and risks, and compete on more equal terms against the largest international companies

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